Continuity ERP Solutions
Sep 01, 2022

Read this if you think Bots will steal your jobs

With the advancement of science and technology, we all can see more machines and technologies being used in workplaces. One of the most common things that we have been hearing is that machines will soon replace humans at work. The reason being that these intelligent machines, also known as bots, are more efficient than humans. It can work longer than human beings, making less mistakes and is cheaper to the employer in a long interval.

But the difference between humans and bots is intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI). Bots can only do a task which is repetitive in nature and lacks any kind of creative or analytical observations/skills. But humans have the ability to solve larger and complex problems, that involves critical thinking, creativity and might be new to the organization. So, there is no need to worry because the future organizations will need both humans and bots. Humans are irreplaceable.

The idea behind using a bot is to give humans a wider scope of working that requires demand creation, critical analysis and creativity. With the help of bots, the companies can push the human employees to make decisions that help in business growth and don’t have to indulge in tasks that include calculations and repetitive work.

Here are some points you should consider before introducing a bot as your new employee.

  • Will bots really help in growing your business?

There is a wide misconception that bots can replace entire human beings at work and will perform more effectively. Employers want to automate much part of their businesses by using bots to take care of those work that requires repetitive actions. 

But there are some businesses or some parts of them that will always need humans. Those businesses that work on creativity and critical thinking. Those works that humans can do can’t be replaced with bots, as it won’t be pre-functioned according to the uncertain challenges that can occur during the course of business.

  • What tasks will you assign to bots?

Any work that needs creativity can’t be bound with the rules and regulations that restrict the idea of work. And these skills and knowledge can’t be developed overnight. It requires years of experience and understanding, that humans grow over the course of work. So only the tasks that can be bound with rules and have a fixed or pre-defined approach can be assigned to the bot. Let’s take an example of a manufacturing unit of noodles. The sack of wheat flour needs to be lifted and then emptied in the machine.

So, this is repetitive work and doesn’t require any creativity as the steps are pre-defined. If a bot is given this task, then it will surely be beneficial for the manufacturing unit as it will be more efficient, fast, and won’t get tired.

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